our story

wilted and worthy? wilted in the name of a florist company? what’s the story behind that?

wilted + worthy

wilted feels like brokenness.
wilted feels like vulnerability.
wilted feels like reality.
wilted feels like inevitability of drought.
wilted feels like not enough.
wilted feels like the season that i am in the midst of.

wilted and worthy is a wholistic kind of representation of my heart right now as i am diving into this new, scary, crazy, impossible, right in front of me, giant dream of mine.

while we are wilted, God fought for us. God chased us. God gave himself for all people. he gave us Jesus. we are no longer known and defined by our mistakes or failures. we are no longer wanderers looking for purpose. when we link arms with jesus and believe, we are brought into a family. we are given a new purpose, an identity. we have a new eternity with him. we are worthy. we are free. we are whole.

wilted and worthy.
it’s not about dying plants, petals falling off, or bouquets drooping. it’s about the gospel, it’s about our hearts, it’s about feeling not good enough, it’s about how god views us, it’s about sucky seasons that feel like they will never end, it’s about pits of anxiety, it’s about the burdens and imperfections we carry around with us, it’s about who we are despite of them.

we live in the in-between, in the tension.
it’s both broken and it’s beautiful.
it’s both wilted and it’s worthy.
i’m both wilted and worthy.
and so here is wilted and worthy.

- S